Included below are examples of some of my graphic work.
1. Mother Kelly’s
London, UK
Mother Kelly’s is a tap room and bottle shop inspired by the founder’s visits to New York City. The first location opened on Paradise Row in East London.
My role:
I worked within a team to develop a name for the taproom. I designed the logo, which is now appears in 5 locations around London and across a range of merchandise.

2. XYZ Logo
London, UK
XYZ is a modular construction set designed to teach young people basic engineering and math principles through play.
My role:
The XYZ logo was a literal sketch-on-a-napkin moment of creativity, given that the project progressed so rapidly. The logo was quickly applied to the plastic molding tool, the packaging, product pitches, website, apparel, and marketing materials. Its simplicity means that it performs well in all of those applications.

1. XYZ Packaging
London, UK
XYZ is a modular construction set designed to teach young people basic engineering and math principles through play.
My role:
I developed the format for the product packaging as well as the packaging design, located a supplier, and managed the manufacturing and delivery.

2. Passoni Owners Event @ LMNH
Passoni Bicycles
London, UK
Passoni produces handmade titanium bicycles without compromise. Every frame is built to measure to extreme precision to fit the individual rider that owns the bike.
My role:
I worked with the CEO of Passoni to produce an owners-only event at Look Mum No Hands in East London. Invitations were designed to match the Passoni brand, which itself was designed by a principal at Pentagram.

1. Mayku Competitor Analysis
London, UK
Mayku is a London-based startup that is creating a desktop manufacturing system for makers and educators.
My role:
As part of Mayku’s ongoing business development, I was tasked with creating a strategy to drive their educational activities. Those findings and recommendations were then developed into a presentation for the founders outlining the activities of Mayku’s competitors, and what the company could do to create high-quality educational content for teachers and students.
2. Pitch & Sales Materials
for Inpeco TPM
Cagliari, Italy
Inpeco is a multinational medical device company that seeks to remove human error from medical diagnostics through automation. Inpeco TPM is an internal project that aims to give patients complete control of their medical dataset.
My role:
As part of a larger, ongoing engagement I developed materials that were used to explain the project, its market capacity, and its competitiveness within a very crowded and competitive marketplace.